Understanding what is a School-License : Buying a school-license gives you much more than buying a regular software at $75 to install on only one workstation. When acquiring a license from the Behaviour Profiler, you get a permission to use our software everywhere in your school and at home for your staff. Let's look at an average school (250 students, a staff of 15 and a principal). Obtaining a $75 software would cost around $ 1,200 (16 x $ 75) excluding a technician and the purchasing updates. With ProfCO, the basic cost is $ 380 including installation and all updates.
ClientProfCO's Server School Board's Server $ Setup Fees Price per school

 $ Free$ 380/year
A school-license offers you : Unlimited use of the web based application at school and at your staff's residences. • Free Software Updates. • Open a browser, no installation. • Supplies Customer Support. • Assures you Quick installation of your Behaviour Profiler with 24 hours from ordering. • Includes a User Guide and Administration Guide. •

ProfCO handles the technical side while you do what you do best, ... take care of your school.

ClientProfCO's Server School Board's Server $ Setup Fees Price per school

School Board
 $ Call
613 294-9740
1 to 3 schools

School Board
$ Call
613 294-9740
4 schools and more

School Board
$ Call
613 294-9740
All schools
We offer a price reduction when a School Board purchase a license-board for all or some schools. The Behaviour Profiler, the web base application can then be installed on a school board server to facilitate the integration between the administrative system and the Behaviour Profiler.

A school board may also request it's own URL on our server (ex.: https://organisation.profco.ca), all managed by Profco $600/year. When using a personnalized URL or when installed on your organisaltion's server, your users may be authenticated by Azure, a directory services, a service offered to your organisation by MicroSoft.

To order, please write to us at sales@profco.ca with the following information:
  • School name and school board
  • Principal's name and email
  • School address + phone number